Sex Health News: Want to Know if He’s Into You? Smell His Sweat

sexually aroused

Sweat does much more than cool you off when you’re working out. It can also be a dead giveaway that a guy is sexually aroused, finds a new study from Rice University. We sniffed out more info…

In the study, female subjects inhaled four different samples, one of which was sweat gathered from sexually aroused males. Surprisingly, the women were able to pinpoint the smell of men who were turned on. Researchers have known for a long time that animals use scent to communicate, but this study delves into how humans use their sense of smell to convey emotions.

sexually aroused

I’m sure many of you know how primal our sense of smell really is–just one whiff of an old lover’s cologne, for example, can make you weak in the knees. And who hasn’t worn a boyfriend’s t-shirt to bed when he’s out of town?

Is there a certain smell that makes you weak in the knees? Do you think sweat is sexy? Do you think your man smells differently when he’s turned on?

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